Tuesday, August 4, 2009

because I have more time right now, I am free to do whatever I want. I miss days like this, about a year ago...if only the bills would stop rolling in, I could live my life like this forever.

not working leaves more time for cooking, reading, and catching up on things that I actually want to do...today I have some sort of interview-ish thing at a day care, a job that I will inevitably love. that is the best kind of work, something you don't mind doing no matter what they pay you. as long as I can get by.

oh, what will the day bring? I'm super excited for October, all these great festivals will be going on, and last year I had to work every single weekend, so didn't get to do any of that fun stuff. my oh my.

I've been thinking about the last four months a lot. and where to go when we get out of here. it's pretty exciting. so many options. I don't have my head set on just any one place, and the idea of getting further away from my family is something that really holds me back. I don't know though, the options are open.....

for now.

things are going to work out. I can just feel it.

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