Sunday, May 2, 2010


The summer is coming..practically here.

I want out of Savannah. My crazy job, the hateful people. It seems like everyone i've met here has left, and i think it's probably time for me to move on too. I miss my family, and my friends, and my home town. Tampa sounds good, really good.

Other than that I have so much to be thankful for. Love in my life, a paycheck every now and then. My new discovery of accupuncture, holding new born babies.

I want a hula hoop...but a nice one, not a crappy plastic one.

and i want a dog. very much.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

my computer is dead.
like the parts are dead, because it won't turn on.
i'll get a new one soon enough, i'm fine without it. i'd like to still think that technology doesn't have that large of a part in my life, but who am i kidding.

Tim moved in with us.
and we're in love.
i'm happy, so happy.

it's getting warm again, my debt is almost gone, and a goal for this year is to win the lottery!
lol. but we're trying.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


finally here.
i'm feeling good about the next twelve months. it's strange to think about the turns life gives you if you look over it for a long period of time.

was great.
job settled, and as much as i dislike it now, i'm financially secure...and in a better place than a lot of the people in this country. and so thankful for that. tim. great family. getting out of debt, and tons of good, crazy, wild times. i am happy with the events of the year, and can't wait to see what is next to come.